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The Covid-19 pandemic has been a real challenge for many international events, including scientific congresses. The 26th World Poultry Congress (WPC) was supposed to take place in Paris, France, in 2020 but the pandemic situation led to postponing it first by one year and again by another year. The event has now been re-scheduled to be held in Paris on August 07–11, 2022.
Because abstracts were submitted to the event already in 2019, and accepted by the Scientific Committee, the Organizing committee of WPC2022 has decided to present them on an electronic platform which is open for registered participants until August 2022.
In this virtual event, Dr. Eija Valkonen from Hankkija Oy presents two posters on the use of resin acid -based feed supplements for broiler chickens.
Co-authored by Gorm Sanson from Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling AS, Norway, and Hannele Kettunen and Juhani Vuorenmaa from Hankkija, the first poster (no 384) is titled as: “Resin acid containing tall oil fatty acid reduced mortality and oocyst shedding in broilers challenged with Eimeria”. In this study, an overdose of Huveguard Eimeria vaccine was used to give a mild Eimeria challenge for the broiler chickens on day 16. The birds were fed either a control diet or a diet containing Progres® Liquid at 1.5 g/kg from days 1 to 30.
The second poster (no 750), titled “Resin acid containing tall oil fatty acid product improved broiler performance” was co-authored by Cécile Picart and Claire Launay from ADM Animal Nutrition – Neovia, France, and Hannele Kettunen and Juhani Vuorenmaa from Hankkija. In this experiment, the dietary resin acid supplementation was in the form of sodium salt of tall oil fatty acid (STOFA). The trial setup was a 3×2 factorial design, with three levels of STOFA (0, 1 and 2 g/kg) and two levels of coccidiostat maduramicin (0 and 5 mg/kg). In respect to the resin acid content, the STOFA-dosing used equated to 0, 0.5 or 1 g/kg dosing of Progres® Liquid. The birds were slightly challenged by maximal allowed animal density, slightly reduced house temperature, and absence of enzymes from the wheat-maize -based diet. The duration of the experiment was 34 days.
Please visit the virtual poster platform of WPC to get full details and results of these two posters! Access links for registered WPC2022 participants:
2. “Resin acid containing tall oil fatty acid product improved broiler performance”