
Our expert team is based in Finland and ready to serve you and answer your questions. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Export Team with your inquiries.

Hankkija Oy
Peltokuumolantie 4, PL 390
05801 Hyvinkää, Finland
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Export Director

Jyrki Heinimo

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I have been working with Hankkija as Export Director since the beginning of 2020. I am very excited to work with Hankkija’s cutting edge feed innovations, having their roots deep in the Finnish nature. Progres® and Progut® offer the feed industry great and unique opportunities which we are happy to present to our customers.
Antibiotics resistance is a growing concern making headlines on a daily basis. Our contribution in helping to reduce the use of antibiotics is ever more important as the global community is fighting the global pandemic.
My previous experience comes primarily from food industry, where I have been responsible for the cheese business of a major dairy company, and worked as the CEO for a malt based food ingredient manufacturer as well as for a poultry company.

Articles from Jyrki Heinimo
Research & Development Director

Juhani Vuorenmaa

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After graduation from the University of Helsinki (M.Sci. Agr.), I have had over 30 years unbroken service in the feed division of Hankkija Ltd. (former Suomen Rehu). It has been a pleasure to have various roles within the feed industry including research and development, general management, business development and export management. This has given me a broad range of experience in the business. My special interest is in the new solutions for antibiotic free animal feeding and I have been actively involved in the development of the patented Progut and Progres innovations. Currently, I am leading the research and development of Hankkija’s feeds and feed additives.

Articles from Juhani Vuorenmaa
Area Sales Manager

Edvard Haimi

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I have started my work in Hankkija in 2018. I am responsible for business development in Baltic, Scandinavian, European, Middle-Eastern and South-East Asian countries. In my work I am striving to look for new solutions to help our dealers and end-users with help of advanced feed supplements. I am excited about Hankkija´s innovation potential and R&D solutions. Hankkija is committed to develop animal gut health innovations which benefit our customers and helps to promote antibiotic-free feeding programs.
I have earned MSc in Economics degree with major in International Business and have a long experience of developing sales of branded goods and ingredients in dairy industry.
I speak English, Russian, Finnish, and a bit of Spanish. I enjoy cross-country skiing, trekking and traveling with my family.
R&D Manager

Dr. Hannele Kettunen

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The One Health concept and the global battle against antibiotic resistance are key motivators in my work at Hankkija FFI. For more than twenty years, I have been involved in the research and development of innovative feed products which improve the gastrointestinal health and well-being of farm animals.
For my PhD, back in 2001, I studied the physiological effects of dietary betaine in broiler chickens. Since then, my work has covered aspects of intestinal microbiology, physiology and immunology of all farm animal groups. It has been a pleasure to be involved in the R&D of Progut® and Progres® through many years, and the future product portfolio of Hankkija FFI looks also very promising.

Articles from Dr. Hannele Kettunen
Technical specialist, Poultry

Dr. Eija Valkonen

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I have worked at Hankkija for 10 years: first as the responsible for poultry feed development in domestic feed business, and since 2018 for the export team. My background is in research, and research is still my passion. I love to study novel things and to get deep understanding of them. Previously I’ve worked as a poultry research scientist at MTT Agrifood Reseach Finland. During those years I did my doctoral studies and the thesis on laying hens. In my current position I’m motivated by the urge to learn new skills, and by being able to utilise my experience in practice, but foremost by being a part of the team pursuing the antibiotic free animal production worldwide with the Finnish feed innovations.

Articles from Dr. Eija Valkonen
Technical Specialist, Ruminants

Anna Lehtinen

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My journey with the cattle feeds of Hankkija Ltd started in December 2019 as I joined our R&D Team in domestic market. In the beginning of 2020 I graduated from the University of Helsinki (M.Sc. Agriculture and forestry) and since autumn 2020 I have been happy to support our inspired Export Team in ruminant related cases as a Technical Specialist. I feel it’s a privilege to work with such unique feed innovations as Progres® and Progut® and to be able to offer novel feeding solutions to our customers all over the world. It’s incredible how we can support the gastrointestinal health and welfare of the high-yielding animals with natural feed additives, I think this is an endless track of learning! In my free time I enjoy the outdoor activities with my pets, friends and family.

Articles from Anna Lehtinen
Export Coordinator

Kirsi Herttua

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My career at Hankkija FFI started in June 2020, when I joined Order and logistics team as Export coordinator. My main task is to take care of daily export functions in operative level together with other team members, but also act as a Team leader in our very skilled O&L team.
Before I joined Hankkija, I have built up over twenty years of work experience in several logistic related positions in forwarding agencies and international export companies. My education consists of degrees in international business and environmental technology, and in addition to logistics industry, I have experience and interest also in recycling solutions. Nature is very important resource to me also personally!
Exports Assistant

Krista Ijäs

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I work as Export assistant in Order and logistics team of Hankkija FFI and Movere Oy.
Marketing Coordinator

Tatiana Konkova

Contact me by e-mail
I graduated from the Moscow Veterinary Academy with a focus on Animal Nutrition and then continued an MS in Animal Science at Helsinki University. In January 2020, I joined Hankkija FFI and currently work as a Marketing Coordinator in the Export Department. My dedication to the animal nutrition field drives me to continuously develop my skills, and the insights from experienced R&D colleagues enrich my journey at the company. Our mission at Hankkija is to provide sustainable solutions for modern farming, with a focus on natural ingredients in animal feeds. We support practices that benefit farmers, animals, and the planet.
Beyond work, I'm passionate about active team sports and exploring the beauty of our planet.

Articles from Tatiana Konkova
Product Specialist

Lotta Ravaska

Contact me by e-mail
My journey at Hankkija started in 2023, around the same time I graduated from the University of Helsinki (M.Sc. in Agriculture and Forestry). Since autumn 2024, I have been happy to work as a Product Specialist responsible for Baltic sales and Hankkija’s new innovative Resipro products.

Nature and animals have always had special place in my heart. I’m excited to be part of a team striving for antibiotic-free animal production and more sustainable solutions, while also helping our customers find solutions for the better future.
During my free time, I enjoy various outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and walking my dogs in nature.

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