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Helsinki One Health (HOH) is a network organization launched in 2018 to coordinate research actions within the area of One Health. The concept emphasizes the inevitable interaction between animal and human health in the rapidly changing environment. It supports and coordinates multi-disciplinary research focusing on food safety and control, translational medicine as well as animal health and welfare. One Health research program combines work across five University of Helsinki faculties and hosts currently eight tenure track professors with their research teams.
Hankkija has been a member of HOH research network already for several years and values it highly. One of the future aims of HOH is to utilize health records and data banks (open data) in order to discover and transfer new research findings. We see this as a fascinating possibility for product development and for verifying the effects of feed additives on animal health and welfare.
One Health- concept is an essential part of the values and target setting of research and development in Hankkija. Progut® and Progres® products supporting animal health and welfare are concrete examples of this thinking. Their use in Hankkija’s feeds and growing export supports for their part the health and welfare of both animals and humans. Open communication and multi-disciplinary research are crucial for the Finnish way to approach challenges of modern days.